A Few Tips To Help Cut The Cost Of Auto Repair

by | Mar 20, 2015 | Auto Insurance

A car is an expensive proposition, for many people their car is the second biggest purchase they will make after their home. Knowing that you have a serious investment you should not wait until a dash light comes on to tell you need an oil change. There are a number of ways to keep your car running well and keep the cost of auto repair in Bridgeview in check at the same time.

  • Owner’s manual: The manual that comes with your car is not designed to turn you into a mechanic, it provides you with a maintenance schedule, telling you what you should do and when you should do it. Don’t leave the owner’s manual untouched in the glove compartment, become familiar with its contents. A car which is well maintained is less likely to fail; it is important that filters be changed, brakes serviced, fluids kept in good condition, etc. A car that has not been maintained properly may last for 150,000 miles, the same car if it was properly maintained can last and additional 50,000 miles.

  • Don’t turn a blind eye to warning signs: Even if you do have regular maintenance performed on your car there are other responsibilities. You must keep your eyes on the tire pressure as well as the coolant and oil level. If you see a puddle of something in your garage, do not delay, take your car to a shop that does auto repair in Bridgeview. Make it your business to know what all the dash warning lights mean; it can save you a lot in unnecessary repairs.

  • A mechanic you can trust: This cannot be stressed enough, having a good mechanic, one that you trust is essential for the well being of your vehicle. If your car is out of warranty there is no need to continue paying the high labor charges at the dealer’s service facility, an independent shop is more affordable, are equally skilled in maintaining your car and you get the added bonus of actually being able to talk to the mechanic rather than the “service advisor.”

  • Don’t shy away from aftermarket parts: When you use an independent auto repair shop you will get the opportunity to use aftermarket parts, this is not the case with the dealer, the dealer will always insist on OEM parts. Aftermarket parts can be equal to OEM parts, in many cases even better.

Auto repair in Bridgeview will always be necessary but by following a few simple hints you can help keep the cost to a minimum.

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